Chondropeptix is a spin off company from the University of Maastricht and the University of Maastricht Medical Center, based on promising scientific work and a scalable technology.
The three scientific founders have remained close to the company as it's development team.
During the past years, a strong group of partners joined to support Chondropeptix. We are excited and honored that the Dutch Arthritis Foundation as well as LIOF/LBDF as well as Particon continue to facilitate Chondropeptix. Moreover, there is a continued collaboration with the founding labs at MUMC+ and UM.
From industry and academia there is a lot of interest in Chondropeptix' science and development program. This has resulted in several non-disclosed partnerships to extend the application of our technology. Chondropeptix is a firm believer in collaboration, so please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss new collaboration opportunities.
In 2022, the operational side of the company was structured. Shareholder BLSV nowadays provides several services and the operational team was formed when Robert Jan Lamers joined as new CEO.
With the positive data in the first development program, the activities in 2022 and 2023 will focus on the next phases of development of the lead candidate and the delivery of data on the second program.
More to come in the coming quarter. Please contact us when you would like to learn more on our science and development programs.

Robert Jan Lamers
Robert Jan Lamers, CEO, business development professional with over 15 years of experience in biotech. Former director of the Tech Transfer Office of Amsterdam UMC and University of Amsterdam, former director of AMC Holding, former CEO of Arthrogen and Regenesance, founder of Maxwell Group, Investormatch and Complement Pharma. Current CEO of Orthros Medical.

Tim Welting, PhD
Co-founder, focus peptide development
Tim Welting is professor at the department of orthopedic surgery of MUMC+ and an expert in molecular cartilage biology. He is head of the Laboratory for Experimental Orthopedics and is principal investigator and group leader of the Molecular Cartilage Biology research group. He received his PhD in biochemistry from the Radboud University Nijmegen in 2007.

Pieter Emans, PhD MD
Co-founder, focus application
Pieter Emans is orthopaedic surgeon at MUMC+ and specialized in arthroscopic surgery and prosthetics of the knee and shoulder since 2010. He finished his PhD in 2007 focused on Cartilage biology, exploring the possibility to generate cartilage at an ectopical site and repair cartilage defects with this approach. This work received the Goran Bauer grant of the Nordic Orthopaedic Federation (NOF) and a long lasting grant (LLP 14) of the Dutch Arthritis Society (Reumafonds). After completing his medical specialization, he did a Lars Peterson fellowship in knee surgery and cartilage recovery in the US (Boston, Chicago, San Diego and LA).

Lodewijk van Rhijn, PhD MD
Co-founder, focus strategic development
Lodewijk van Rhijn is professor of orthopedic surgery at MUMC+. He is chair of the department of orthopedic surgery and heading clinical operations and research strategy. He is chairman of the multidisciplinary translational research Maastricht Movement Centre. He received his MD title in 1990, holds a PhD in medicine from Maastricht University and was appointed as professor in orthopedic biotechnology in 2008.